24 thoughts on “HIGHLIGHTS: Real Salt Lake vs. Seattle Sounders

  1. Hi from Europe, shit refs are everywhere but by and large they do a great job, but FIFA’s reluctance to use technology has frustrated most fans apart from the diehard traditionalists, it’s silly the that world’s biggest sport by far has’nt used technology used in nearly every other sport in the world today, finally we’re getting goal line technology, lets hope more follows so less mistakes are made and pay no heed to idiot’s who denigrate your league etc i love it..

  2. critical

    Americans stop now even play soccer. that’s an order. Why do not you play hocky or basketball? soccer is for the people of Brazil ok! I am a girl living the city of Rio de Janeiro and not accept it! stop soccer, I’m ordering!

  3. Saborio didn’t deserve the goal he scored and the ref knew it. When you take a former teammate to the ground by hacking his ankles? You deserve a suspension.

    Seattle needs to find their groove again. Their mojo is decaying but I will remain a Sounders fan regardless.

  4. ‘Tie goes to the runner.’ Sorry sir, but this is not baseball. You are either onside or not. He was level with the defense both times.

  5. I watch because I want to see if MLS is progressing. And it is but slowly. My name is David Krapohl. I play for lakeshore premier in Michigan.

  6. MLS sucks so bad. It is so disapointing to watch them play with such a low quality playing style from nearly every team. You watch Barcelona and can’t even compare them to MLS. But they started out just as bad as MLS. It took good coaching and smart thinking by the players(and good refs). But look where they are now. I long so much to be profesional. If I went to MLS I would change the game completely. It really is embarresing to watch.

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